Clothing Drive to Support Veterans: Grace will be collecting clothing to support Veterans Clothes Closet. We will accept all men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing between November 5th and November 19th. All clothing should be placed in a plastic bag in our church narthex.
WELCA Bake Sale: Our women’s group will be hosting a bake sale before and after the worship services on Sunday, November 5th. All proceeds will benefit the church’s many ministries.
Food Pantry Volunteers Needed: Grace is a partner church with the Helping Hands Food Pantry in Spring Grove. In addition to paying a portion of their rent, we are responsible for providing volunteers every 5th month. We need volunteers for the month of every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon (except Thanksgiving). Sign up in our church narthex (lobby) or by contacting our church office.
Diapers for Families in Need: Our Sunday school kids are collecting diapers for an organization called Keeping Families Covered in McHenry. During the month of October, we are encouraging people to bring packages of diapers to the church. This includes unopened as well as open partial packages of all sizes of diapers and pull-ups. Collection boxes can be found in the narthex. If you have any questions, please contact Childministry.
First Communion Classes: Grace’s next first communion class will be November 12th following the 9:30am service. Children will be able to receive their first communion on November 19th during the 9:30am service. At Grace, there is no age requirement when a child may receive their first communion. If you have any questions, please contact Childministry.
Confirmation and Sunday School Continue: Confirmation and Sunday School are now meeting each week. Sunday school during our 9:30am worship service and confirmation Wednesdays at 5:30pm.
Choir Meets Tuesday Nights at 7pm: Choir is open to people of all singing abilities over the age of 12. Please contact our choir director Tara if you have any questions.
If you can support Grace through your offering, we would be grateful. You can give to Grace online or mail your offering directly to the church (P.O. Box 425 Richmond, IL 60071).
Pastor Andy's sermons are available each week on a podcast! You can download and listen to them on either Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Be sure to subscribe and leave a review.
Like our Facebook Page and subscribe to our YouTube page. This will help you stay up to date with our worship services and other videos that we put up throughout the week. Grace is also now on Instagram follow us at glc_richmond.
We are still praying for you! If you would like to have someone’s name read on our prayer list for the Sunday morning services simply email their name to the church office.
If you need anything at all we are here for you. You can email Pastor Andy or call 630-615-9227