Ash Wednesday: Ash Wednesday worship will be on March 5th at 7pm. The service will include the imposition of ashes. Join us for this meaningful service as we enter the season of Lent.
Diapers for People in Need: During March we will be collecting diapers and wipes for Keeping Families Covered. Keeping Families Covered is a program in McHenry County that provides diapers for people in need. Donations for people of all ages will be accepted. Cash donations are welcome as well. Any questions please contact Child Ministry.
First Bibles Class: A First Bible Class will be offered to children 2nd grade and older with parents/guardians. The class will be on Sunday, March 2nd, following the 9:30 worship service. The class will last about one hour. The presentation of Bibles will take place on Sunday, March 9th, during the 9:30 service. If you have any questions or want to sign up, please contact Child Ministry. A sign-up sheet is also available in the Narthex (lobby) of the church.
Email Scams: It has come to our attention that churches in our area are dealing with email scams. People are creating fake emails and posing as church staff. We will never email you asking to send gift cards or money directly to individuals. If you are uncertain whether an email is legitimate, please call our church office at 815-678-3082.
Confirmation and Sunday School Continue: Confirmation and Sunday School are now meeting each week. Sunday school during our 9:30am worship service and confirmation Wednesdays at 5:30pm.
Choir Meets Tuesday Nights at 7pm, Choir is open to people of all singing abilities over the age of 12. Please contact our choir director, Tara, if you have any questions.
WELCA Meetings: WELCA (Women of the ELCA) meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 10:00am in Luther Hall. All women are invited to attend.
If you can support Grace through your offering, we would be grateful. You can give to Grace online or mail your offering directly to the church (P.O. Box 425 Richmond, IL 60071).
Pastor Andy's sermons are available each week on a podcast! You can download and listen to them on either Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Be sure to subscribe and leave a review.
Like our Facebook Page and subscribe to our YouTube page. This will help you stay up to date with our worship services and other videos that we put up throughout the week. Grace is also now on Instagram follow us at glc_richmond.
We are still praying for you! If you would like to have someone’s name read on our prayer list for the Sunday morning services simply email their name to the church office.
If you need anything at all we are here for you. You can contact Pastor Andy at 630-615-9227 or through his email.